First things first, the judge was an hour late. Jeez! I thought she might have forgotten that it was a working day. The Honorable Cecilia Castellanos is well known for being late. Sorry judge.
The sale being confirmed was for 607 Jean St. Oakland CA 94610. It was listed at $585,000 and it came up for confirmation at $650,000. There had been multiple offers on it. Nobody else showed up to overbid, despite many people calling. Usually when the amounts are large, nobody shows up.
It was nice to bump into Ruben Sundeen, who was representing the seller. We have done a deal before.
Next court date for me will be on January 11 to see the first confirmations which will be 3925 Edenvale Place, Oakland CA, listed at $99,000, first overbid at $165,875. Also, 25843 Bel Aire Dr. Hayward CA. listed at $225,000, first overbid at $242,000.
And so we go into 2013.